User guide |
The interface creation is handled in the createInterface
subfunction. This has two distinct sections: menu building and widget arrangement.
The menus are built using the standard MATLAB menu building command uimenu
so let's concentrate on the widget arrangement.
The top-level layout is a horizontal arrangement, placing the controls to the left of the main plot. We make the layout draggable by using the "flex" variant of HBox, and put a panel in each side. Note that setting the "HelpFcn" for the view panel adds a small "?" icon for bringing up help. See here for more details.
% Add the contents
mainLayout =uix.HBoxFlex
, gui.Window,'Spacing'
, 3 );% Create the panels
controlPanel =uix.BoxPanel
( ...'Parent'
, mainLayout, ...'Title'
,'Select a demo:'
); gui.ViewPanel =uix.BoxPanel
( ...'Parent'
, mainLayout, ...'Title'
,'Viewing: ???'
, ...'HelpFcn'
, @onDemoHelp );% Adjust the main layout
( mainLayout,'Widths'
, [-1,-2] );
The controls panel is filled with a vertical layout containing the listbox and a button. Note the callbacks that are specified for both the list and button. These both call further subfunctions that are able to access the common "data" and "gui" shared structures.
% Create the controls
controlLayout =uix.VBox
, controlPanel, ...'Padding'
, 3,'Spacing'
, 3 ); gui.ListBox =uicontrol
, ...'BackgroundColor'
, ...'Parent'
, controlLayout, ...'String'
, demoList(:), ...'Value'
, 1, ...'Callback'
, @onListSelection); gui.HelpButton =uicontrol
, ...'Parent'
, controlLayout, ...'String'
,'Help for <demo>'
, ...'Callback'
, @onDemoHelp );set
( controlLayout,'Heights'
, [-1 28] );% Make the list fill the space
Finally, the view itself is simply an axes placed inside the view panel:
% Create the view
gui.ViewAxes =axes
, gui.ViewPanel );
(Full source code for this application is available here: [ view | edit | run ] )
Application structure | [Top] | updateInterface |